Re: installation

Start with my CVS page:

 Soren Harward <> | Windows DOES come with a tool    | to restore a corrupt Registry.
 Internet Information Systems Admin  |
 Cinternet, Inc.  (513) 891-1228     | It's called FDISK.

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, George Anderson Jr wrote:

>please forgive the nature of my posting,however I would like some advise as
>to which version of gnome to load. I have attempted to load the files from
>the latest directory and have met with very mixed results. Using RedHat
>version 5.1, also couldn't find the file gnome-network on any of the gnome
>sites. Also once you have everything loaded how do you get it up and
>running. If their is an extensive faq or how-to covering these issues I
>would appreciate someone pointing a gnome newbie into the right direction.

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