Re: Softwares sugestion

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:06:11 Tim Moore wrote:
> Guninstall doesn't really make sense, since installation/uninstallation is
> OS/distribution specific. There are two Gnome RPM programs on the software
> map. A Gnomified asp (the new Debian package tool) would be a good
> addition. I don't know what other OSes/dists use.

Maybe a util to keep track of tar/gzip and tar/bzip2 balls and
installation locations. It's open to the 'user on the commandline'
factor but It would be the most generic. It's proper
use would be an issue of user education, too bad GUIs target people
who don't want to bother with knowing that sort of thing :(

Reklaw - I code therefore I need gin and sprite.
GNOME software projects - Pharmacy * gnome-standalone

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