Re: Softwares sugestion

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Reklaw wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:06:11 Tim Moore wrote:
> > Guninstall doesn't really make sense, since installation/uninstallation is
> > OS/distribution specific. There are two Gnome RPM programs on the software
> > map. A Gnomified asp (the new Debian package tool) would be a good
> > addition. I don't know what other OSes/dists use.
> > 
> Maybe a util to keep track of tar/gzip and tar/bzip2 balls and
> installation locations. It's open to the 'user on the commandline'
> factor but It would be the most generic. It's proper
> use would be an issue of user education, too bad GUIs target people
> who don't want to bother with knowing that sort of thing :(

But why would this be better than a package management system? As far as I
can understand, the only reason people use tarballs anymore is because
they're used to it and its simpler in some ways (no databases to keep
consistent, etc). I could be wrong about this reasoning (I really don't
see any really good reason not to use a package manager, but I may just be
ignorant) but I would guess that a tarball management system wouldn't be
preferable in any way to RPM or dpkg.


P.S. In my original message, that should be apt. Asp is something totally

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