Re: DocBook (isn't it sgml-tools1.1 ?)

On Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 02:00:56PM +0000, Thomas G. Lockhart wrote:
> afaik you describe sgmltools history very well, and the LinuxDoc DTD is
> becoming obsolete. I used sgmltools-0.99.18 when first starting with
> sgml and aside from the limitations of LinuxDoc found that it installed
> and worked as advertised.
> However I spent a _long_ time trying to get individual packages for
> jade, jadetex, etc installed and working on my plain RH4.2 machine, and
> essentially failed. It wasn't until Mark Galassi at Cygnus put some rpms
> together that I was able to get a working installation.
> >From what I've seen, the sgmltools bunch is working to integrate those
> packages, including providing the Unix support for jade (James Clark
> works on NT machines apparently). I think it will be a very useful
> effort, and I'm looking forward to moving back to sgmltools at some
> point in the future.

Maybe I am lucky, but I haven't had any problems getting jade up and
running, or sgmls before jade/sp came along.  I have mainly used jade+
dblib.dsl from DocBook in projects that haven't had directly to do
with the DocBook DTD, but rather with my own DTDs.  However, others
that I work with have used jade+DocBook for a long time on a RH4.2
machine without problems.  More recently, I have made rpms out of jade
and the docbook stylesheets and it was pretty straight forward.

To see DSSL+PHP+DocBook in action, check out the PHP 3.0 Online Manual
at  All source-code is provided.


 Alexander Kjeldaas, Guardian Networks AS, Trondheim, Norway

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