Re: FAQ release! Need help!

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> 1) Free software has a murky definition; someone please point me to the
> equivalent of "The Open Source Definition", v1.0.

The Debian Free Software Guidelines on
> 2) I severaly dislike using imprecise terms like this.  Specifically,
> I want to make clear that traditionally non-FSF-related communities,
> such as xBSD and Mozilla, are our bretheren.  Stallman has said, if I
> am remember correctly, that BSD-style licenses are not free software.

No, this isn't true. Stallman believes them to be free software. He just
thinks BSD is an inferior license to the GPL for promoting the free
software cause. I believe he was/is in agreement with the Open Source
Definition, he just doesn't like the name. 

> If this were an issue of the FAQ being inaccurate, then that would be
> one thing.  The FAQ is accurate in this case, however; you just happen not
> to be fond of my terminology.  I really do prefer the term "open source",
> I think that it's the better term, and so I would like to stick with it.

The version of the FAQ I'm looking at says free software in some places
and uses both terms in others. Looks fine to me. 

I think the important thing is to use both. Then no one gets too upset.


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