Re: BOB: GNOME Word Processor Efforts

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> Note that Achtung (presentations program), gwp (word processor) and
> gnumeric (spreadsheet) are being coded and designed silently in their
> own mailing lists (I think gwp is missing one).
> Also note that having users list their desired features is only going
> to produce noise:

My big desire is not to have input into the feature set, but rather
to understand better the object model and how this type of program is
best designed.

I have no problem with input-less design.  I don't in any way think that
I have any real input on what features a word processor needs.  However,
it is very hard to get you, Miguel, or others among the developers to
share your thoughts on these design decisions, so that we can learn
from your examples what a GNOME program of this type should look like.
I find this frustrating.

If design decisions are being made, then can you at least write them up
and post them to the GNOME list, so that I can have something to go off
of?  I am struggling with what to put in the XML section of the FAQ right
now because no one wants to tell me and everyone else what's going on.
I try to stir up a little discussion (carefully phrased so as not to try
to tell the actual programmers what they should do), hoping to get back
a message like "No, that's not how you do it, this is how you do it...",
and instead I feel like I am being accused of wanting to design the
project for you, which I conspicuously and forcefully do not.  You are a
programmer, and I am a documenter, and I am perfectly aware of my place
in the grand scheme of things.  I just wish that I were thrown a few more
crumbs from those in the know as to what direction the project is taking,
so that I can try to send new developers in that direction by the FAQ.

More project updates, more "This is what we're doing with XML" messages
and the like, more coming off of the mountain and delivering tablets to
the Israelites; that would make my day.  I have faith that we will make
it to the promised land.  8^)

Todd Graham Lewis            32°49'N,83°36'W          (800) 719-4664, x2804
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