Re: Solaris 2.6 problems

Previously, Brandon S. Allbery ( said:

> There are at least two problems on Solaris.
> The first is that the panel usually ends up running with DISPLAY=:0 and 
> everything else running with DISPLAY=:0.0.  ORBit considers these different :-(
> The second --- I cannot start applets from the panel.  With the above problem 
> hacked around, I can start applets from an xterm and they hook up with the 
> panel.

I can't even get applets to start from an xterm/rxvt and have them talk
to the panel.


>From now on, I will try not to reason with the idiots I encounter.
I will dismiss them by waving my paw and saying 'Bah'.
                                                        - Dogbert
               - -

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