Re: poptHelpOptions - I'm going slightly maaaaaaaaad

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Elliot Lee wrote:

>It is definitely defined in gnome-libs/support/popthelp.c - if it isn't then
>something is wrong with your CVS :)

It's in there.

>Is it possible that somehow your programs are getting linked against a system
>popt instead of the one in libgnomesupport?

I thought it was possible, so I removed the old popt and recompiled everything.

>You just need to muck around on your own system and find out what's going

Someone, (I don't remember who, sorry) told me that even on his RH 5.1 isn't built. I have libpopt.a, how do I obtain a
(Manually, since make doesn't seem to build it). I've looked for a .libs dir in
my popt dir (I checked out he popt module from CVS, to build it without having
to rebuild gnome-support) but it isn't there.

bye bye by  Giovanni Intini  of  Team  Omega  [] -

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