PATCH: Internationalization of man pages in Gnome help browser

I have previously submitted this patch to the list but haven't yet heard
about it.
Am I proceeding the right way to submit a patch? ...First time.
Note: Since my original post, I have checked that the Kde help system
also implements
the same behavior.

My original post ---------------------------------------

The gnome-help-browser does not currently support internationalization
man pages. I have added support so that the help browser process locale
languages in a way compatible with the man command.  The following is
the man man page.

       LANG   If  LANG  is set, its value defines the name of the
              sub directory where man first looks for  man  pages.
              Thus,  the  command  `LANG=dk man 1 foo' will cause
              man   to   look   for   the   foo   man   page   in
              .../dk/man1/foo.1,  and  if  it  cannot find such a
              file, then in .../man1/foo.1, where ... is a direc­
              tory on the search path.

Actually, the man program (man-1.5) first looks for man pages as
above, but additionally tries the long form 'dk_XX' before reverting to
the .../man1/foo.1 . I have implemented similar processing for the
gnome-help-browser.  Would you, please, review this small patch.

It can be found at:


Réal Corriveau

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