Re: Gnome-session foolish question.....

Phillip Neumann <> writes:

> I know this is a foolish and typicall question, but i cannot get
> gnome-session to work.
> What am i doing?
> --> in .xsessin i have:
> blackbox &
> exec gnome-session
> This start gnome fine... the problem is that when i quit the panel, then
> quit blackbox, X is still there and i have to press ctrl-alt-backspace.
> The gnome-doc say, that when pressing this key, will make gnome-session
> NOT to save the current configuration.... and this is i want to use!
> (save backgound, mouse prop, keyboard prop., windows positions, ...)
> How do i make gnome start ok?

I can't give an exact answer, but I will say that you
aren't the only person having that problem. gnome-session
probably needs some small fixes. For now, you may be best
off not running gnome-session and simply doing something like:

 panel &
 exec blackbox

(you also want to add some lines here to restore your background,
 mouse and screensaver settings, but I don't remember them
 off the top of my head)

Hopefully this will be fixed shortly.



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