Re: gnome developer docs - not sgml

> gnome-libs almost certainly would compile (it has been successfully
> compiled on lots of platforms). But yes, most non-free systems don't come
> with all the software considered standard on Linux so you have to compile 
> it yourself. Too bad for them. ;-) 

It is interesting trying to compile it on a non-Linux platform.  First
order of business is to get gcc up and running :)  Solaris makes this
harder by not even having a crippled c compiler, but you can download gcc
for Solaris to bootstrap yourself.

The next, and hardest part is finding all the gnu stuff which everyone
else uses, such as autogen/autoconf, m4, and all of the libraries which
comes with most Linux distributions (ie libtiff, libjpeg...)

The upside is once you do this once, you are set and should be in a much
better position to compile anything else out there.  

You know you've committed yourself when you start replacing the OS tools
with the GNU replacements.  And if you're not that brave, then careful use
of paths will accomplish the same, while leaving the original in place.

I've only broken one thing on my HPUX system doing this - OpenGL, and that
is because I am using the X libraries I compiled, and the HP OpenGL
libraries look for some HP extentsions inside of libX11, which are not big loss.


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