Re: JAVA in Gnome?

  For a start, I am one of those guys who definitely abominates scripting in
any lisp language, preferring Tcl (or python, for all I care) for compiled
application extension.
  I think a JVM should be present, or at the very least accessible, by any
gnome application, for it allows a Linux application to be dinamically extended
by cross-solution platforms (for instance, a dynamic loading of a gear
computation class for a mechanical CAD package, or a chart panel, or a digital
signature encryptor, who may then be programmed to any platform.  For the
exception of the JVM (which I have not integrated yet) this is how I extend
my applications, and provide a simple way for an user to modify and extend the
application features (not in Guile, obviosly).
  I am in favour of having three types of application extension: loadable
compiled modules, scripting and cross-platform bytecode classes.  It *is* the
task of the desktop framework (the application framework here also) to provide
for that kind of extension.
  About Mesa and True Type fonts: the first should be supported separately, or
at the very most through a wrapper canvas widget.  The second should be provided
by XFree86, now that The Open Group has stroke the death blow on X as we know
it.  The XFree project has now the justification for adding features never known
before on X (like True Type support).
  Let us hear your opinions.


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