Re: First impressions - USER report

On Sun, 10 May 1998, robert havoc pennington wrote:

>I'm just waiting for icewm to become Gnome-friendly to go fully Gnome on
>my system. As it is it's kind of annoying to have the panel for applets
>and the taskbar to keep track of windows, since there's no screen space
>left. Plus icewm keeps sticking windows underneath the panel.

i've got the same problem with fvwm2-95, but for now it suffices to just
kill the taskbar.  the wm needs to be able to put those "window buttons" 
on the panel, though, i think.  is there any reason an applet has to be a
separate executable?  would it be possible for a window manager to put its
own "internal applets" on the panel?  all they would need to do is have
callbacks to the same old code in the wm that has always brought up an
open window on request.  obviously not all wms would do this cause they
don't all have a taskbar, but for those that have one, here's one gnomely
thing to do.

just my 4 ha'pennies.


>Havoc Pennington ====
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