Are their public standards for "window manager compatability"?

I love WindowMaker (WM ) and would be disappointed if I had to switch to
use Gnome.  I gave up on KDE because it didn't run well without their kwm,
and I expect gnome will lose users if some particular WM is specified.

On the WM list, I asked the experts about gnome compatability and they
reacted with, well, dismay.  Several indicated they had made an effort to 
find out what Gnome would require and they were not able to do so.  I
think there is a fear that E will become the default window manager and 
others will not be able to adjust because the "compatability" standards
are not well articulated.

If I have this wrong, please point me to the place where the standards
are described and I'll make sure they get forwarded to the WindowMaker
crew.  I've found them to be extremely highly responsive and I'm sure
adjustments can be made.  WM is, after all, a highly evolved window
manager that talks to applications when the applications know how to talk

Paul E. Johnson                 
Dept. of Political Science    
University of Kansas                     
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                                         

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