Re: a few notes on gncal


> Dunno how Mac and Paynix keyboards work... but the Windoze keys, IMO, are
> just "soldered wires" to two keys. Winlogo is Ctrl-Esc and Menu is
> Shift-F10. So I think this two (three) keys are stupid, and useless. They
> will cause problems, IMHO. I have tested the combos in normal and windoze
> keyboards, in both work, dunno if they use different key codes that windoze
> reads, or there is no new keycodes (so keyboard generates fake key presses
> and windoze detects the combo).
No señor, there are new keycodes (125 for the left windows key, 126 for the
right windows key and 127 for the 'task bar' key)



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