Re: gnome-config problems

>> I'm going to hack a bit (well, it could be a lot...) the
>> gnome-config stuff, so i would like to know what's working bad with
>> them...

Miguel> The only problem with gnome-config right now is that access to
Miguel> files that reside inside subdirectories require that the
Miguel> directory already exists: it should create the directories on
Miguel> demand.

That's true, but I think there are more problems:

* The API forces me to know things I don't care about.
  E.g., we have gnome_config_clean_section, ..._file, and ..._key.
  I think there should just be one function to do the cleaning.

* gsm wants to create keys like this:

  gsm/Default/num_saved_clients = 5
  gsm/Default/0/restart_command = ...
  gsm/Default/0/delete_command = ...

  That is, the depth below a given key can vary.  I don't think this
  works right now.

  Here's how I try it:

	* mkdir ~/.gnome/gsm  (this is the bug Miguel refers to...)
	* run gsm in background
	* put SESSION_MANAGER value that gsm prints into environment
	* run notepad
	* choose "save session" from notepad file menu
	* examine ~/.gnome/gsm/Default; notice that
	  gsm/Default/num_clients does not exist

* I'd really like to have a way to set/get a vector of strings.
  This would have to do proper quoting so that any non-null character
  could be in the strings.
  This would simplify the gsm save code a bit (it stores several
  argument vectors per client)


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