Re: gnome-config problems

> * The API forces me to know things I don't care about.
>   E.g., we have gnome_config_clean_section, ..._file, and ..._key.
>   I think there should just be one function to do the cleaning.

The problem is that the path-parsing code gets confused: how is it
supposed to tell appart a pathname that has multiple directories and
a filename from a pathname with section?

If we had a gnome_config_clean () routine that took a pathname and did
the right thing, what would this pathname refer to: 


Directory: application/aaa/bbb; file: ccc?  
Directory: application/aaa;     file: bbb; section ccc?
Directory: application;         file: aaa; section ccc; key ccc?

That is why I proposed the change to the gnome config api before which
you did not like (so I took back all of my mostly updated cvs tree).

> * I'd really like to have a way to set/get a vector of strings.
>   This would have to do proper quoting so that any non-null character
>   could be in the strings.
>   This would simplify the gsm save code a bit (it stores several
>   argument vectors per client)

Oh, propose an API and I can code that :-)


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