Re: Offtopic mails on gnome list.

> * Those that have contributed code to GNOME have agreed that we want the
>   list to go back to not including a Reply-To: header, so there is no
>   point in discussing any more the features of your mail software.

.... I haven't ... I'd like it to stay ... since I'm more likely to post
to the list tyhen private mail ... and I've set quite a few posts
intended to the list in private mail already ... and never have I sent
anything intended privately to the list ...

>   I counted the posts.  A bunch of people who have *never* posted
>   to the gnome list were arguing on the thread what *we* should do. 

hmmm .... now that's interesting ... :)

on a completely different topic .... the new panel geometry code (using
tables is on the CVS now so if anyone hates it .... tell me) ... (I think
it's better then the gtkfixed solution)


George Lebl <>
While some may have the year 2000  | $ emacs
problem, my 64-bit alpha's got the | bash: emacs: command not found
year 292471208677 problem          | YES!!

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