Where to begin?

I've studying programming for some time now, and I would like to join
in a development project.  Since I'm a big fan of GNU software, I
decided I would like to try to help out with the GNOME project.
Unfortunately, most of my programming work so far has been limited to
small projects, so I'm not sure how well I could contribute to a big
project.  What I'm looking for right now is some help.  I have started
reading the GTK tutorial, and am getting a little bit of a feel for
the widget set, but I would like to start in on an actual project.
What I'm wondering is, does anyone out there want a little bit of help
on a fairly small project?  I want to contribute, but as this would be
my first large undertaking, I don't want to drown in other's code
right off the bat.  But I also don't trust my own abilities enough to
take a project on by myself.  And there are many porting issues that I
haven't yet worked with (like all of the '#ifdef __SOMETHING__'s), so
it would be nice if someone could make sure I stay on the right track.
I cannot yet testify to my abilities as a programmer, but I want to
start testing them.  Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could
start?  Anyone looking for a little help on something?

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