Re: Just my 0.02$ on sound and stuff...

>To follow terminal, I think having a env variable like X does would help
>the thing. I.e you set AUDIO=mybox:0 to say you want sound to go on your box
>using server 0. This would allow to have multiple servers (multiple sound

One card != one server

I use multiple X servers in the same machine and I only have one video card
(I login many times, and every "user" launch X, for example one with -bpp 8,
other 16 and third 32 [damm programs that only run in a given bpp]).
I think that every video server should be matched with one audio server. Or
give the option to have "freelance" audio servers, running under some
circustances (like text console, "always" if no other server runs, or when
the root or user decides).

>It would also require some authentification to avoid nasty people of sending 
>sound in your ears !! (but X does it, so it should be possible to
>get some inspiration of it)

Copy X way, it seems to work.

>> * The sound server also handles multiple clients
>This is a MUST-HAVE ! Having Doom playing sound (shots and such), while
>mpg123 plays the music would be really great !!!
>[with more horse-power than I have :)]

Yeah!!! In windoze, when WinAMP is playing, other wav sounds die. No mixing.

>This idea of MIDI over wires sound cool. It should allow those having 
>external midi devices to play/record to/from them.
>Imagine a keyboard connected to one machine, the sound going out of a second 
>one, display on a third one and all application running on a central

Unix, the MIDI machine of the future? No more Macs or Amigas or Ataris, just
Linux. (I love Amiga, just kidding, but uummm... MKLinux...)

>> 	I have not spoken of FM modulated music because it is boring.
>>  	But maybe someone wants to write a sound server for an adlib
>> 	card that does its best (or worst) to simulate the
>> 	different standard instruments with the FM synth.
>Yes as well as people could write some X server to run on CGA cards :)

SB16 is FM (no true wave), is not it?
Or am I mixing concepts?

>> Just my 2 cents. Please drop me a line if you have comments, want to
>> code this or have coded this already! :-)
>I have neither time nor knowledge in sound tools to help, but I think
>it would be really great if all this could happen !!

All this should go to the TODO!!!


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