gtt suggestions

A couple of gtt suggestions:

1) gtt could work with CORBA to track the window focus.  If the focus
is on my INBOX or "reply to" windows, it's a pretty good bet that I'm
reading my email.

2) When I'm entering a new project, it'd be nice if return accepted my
input.  Maybe this should be in the Gnome GUI guidelines?  A dialog
box with only one line of input should accept Enter as "ok", and
Escape as "Cancel".

3) gtt *really* ought to be keeping a log file to which it appends
EVERY change of project.  It shouldn't buffer the output, but instead
flush it to disk.  What if I was using it for billing, and it lost a
whole day's tracking just because my machine crashed?!?  That would
... be ... very ... bad.

4) Are we giving up on the idea of ``man'' pages?  Cuz ``man gtt''
gets me nothing.  If man isn't going to be the canonical way to get
documentation, we need a replacement for it.  IMHO, the best thing
Gnome could do for the world is to create a program which can search
through ALL the documentation on the machine, whether .*\.man, .*\.txt,
.*\.html, .*\.info, or [A-Z]+.

-russ <>
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