Re: gtt suggestions

On Tue, Feb 10, 1998 at 10:57:25PM -0000, Russell Nelson wrote:
> A couple of gtt suggestions:
> 1) gtt could work with CORBA to track the window focus.  If the focus
> is on my INBOX or "reply to" windows, it's a pretty good bet that I'm
> reading my email.

This would be neat if sufficiently generalised -- for example, make it
work with virtual desktops and the like too.  I'd like it to log
screenblanker activity too, so that I could reconstruct actual events
when i leave to go home and forget to stop the clock.

> 3) gtt *really* ought to be keeping a log file to which it appends
> EVERY change of project.  It shouldn't buffer the output, but instead
> flush it to disk.  What if I was using it for billing, and it lost a
> whole day's tracking just because my machine crashed?!?  That would
> ... be ... very ... bad.

Yep, definitely.  Personally I'd also like it to have guile hooks that
I could run on changing a project, which would speak to the database
that everyone else here uses for time tracking and save me updating it
by hand at the end of the day.  (gtt is so much more comfortable to use)


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