Re: Help with DocBook

Also, here is a blurb from my .emacs file so that I get colour
highlighting in psgml-mode.  I admit to not fully understanding their
support for font-lock and faces and so forth, which annoys me, but in
any case, my recipe to get colors in my psgml is:

1. you should have something like what's below in your .emacs file

2. once per emacs invocation, go into PSGML's SGML menu, choose "user
   options", and then "set face of parsed markup" to [yes].

I know it's ugly, but I'll figure it out better some day.


;; font lock for psgml-mode
(add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq sgml-indent-data t)
            (setq sgml-markup-faces '((start-tag . font-lock-keyword-face)
                                      (end-tag . font-lock-keyword-face)
                                      (comment . font-lock-comment-face)
                                      (pi . bold)
                                      (sgml . bold) (doctype . bold)
                                      (entity . bold-italic)
                                      (shortref . bold)))

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