Common Open/Save Dialogs for GNOME

First off let me say that I new to the open source paradigm and gnome
in particular but it is very intruiging to me.. (so bear with me)

That said...
Are there common open/save dialogs for gnome?  I have some interesting
ideas regarding this matter.  I have already started work on a toolkit
using gtk+ but I decided before I go any farther I should talk with
others more acquainted with the overall project at hand.I would like
to implement a toolkit so that open/save dialogs could be used like
the following:

void Save(){
   struct save *savestruct;
   GtkWidget *SaveDlg;
   SaveDlg = gnome_save_dialog_new(savestruc, NULL, "/defaultdir",
   gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT (SaveDlg), "save", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC
(callback), (gpointer) savestruct);

void callback( GtkWidget *inSave, gpointer inData )
   char *s;
   gnome_save_dialog_open((savestruct*) inData);
   sprintf("somestuff:%i*%s", globalint, globalstr);
   gnome_save_dialog_write((savestruct*) inData, s);
   gnome_save_dialog_close((savestruct*) inData);

Some of the features for these dialogues that I have conceived are:
   * Automatic Getting/Sending from FTP sites as needed
   * Adjustable File View with various file info

With regards to the ftp capability, if you entered
"//" in the file entry box, a new entry would
apear in your drop down direcory listing so it might look like this:
-/ (root)

file list box would look like this: 
filename   size   permissions   type
+|..        |   | rwx   rwx   rwx  ||
+|somefile  |12 | rw-   rw-   ---  ||
+|anotherfil|40k| rwx   ---   ---  ||
+|adirectory|   | rwx   r-x   r-x  ||

where the v's are triangles that can be dragged to give a particular
file attribute more or less visability, the +'s can be clicked on to
bring up a dialog with more extended information about the file, and
the file permissions can be clicked on to toggle them (assuming you
have permission to do so).
If anyone has any questions or comments regarding this matter, you may
email me at:


- Pat
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