Re: Freeze is too early

On 16 December, 1998 - Brandon S. Allbery sent me these 1.1K bytes:

> In message <>, Bruce Stephens writes:
> +-----
> | "Brandon S. Allbery" <> writes:
> | > As I understand it, yes, it's a feature freeze.  A code freeze may
> | > follow later, but for now the idea is to concentrate on making it
> | > work instead of adding new features.
> | 
> | Is this "work" as in "work on Linux and *BSD", or "work on lots of
> | Unix machines"?  
> +--->8
> "Lots of Unix machines."  I've been building it (or at least
> attempting to) on SPARC Solaris 2.5.1 for several months now.

I've had no problems with Sol2.6/Sparc ... I've compiled the panel, pim
and some other stuff...

> | Is the 1.1 branch of Gtk+ frozen too?
> +--->8
> It was supposed to go into freeze before GNOME.

The words "Soon, very soon" came out of Snorfle's mouth on irc an hour

Tomas Ögren,,
|- Student of Computer Science at the University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {ing,acc}

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