Re: Is it a proper CVS dep tree?

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Daniel Veillard wrote:

> |
> V
>gtk+                                           gnome-xml   imlib   gtk-engines
> |________________________________________        |         |          |
> |      |          |          |          |        |         |          |
> V      V          V          V          V        V         |          V
>ORBit libgtop  gnome-http  guile-core libgtop  gnome-dom    |      (optional)
> |      |          |          |          |        |         |
> |______|__________|__________|__________|________|_________|
> |

Dose guile-core depend on glib and gtk+ ? I usually compile it before
them, not that glib and gtk+ depend on guile-core, though. 


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