Re: GNOME Desktop.

On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Rok Papez wrote:
> Then I tried installing GNOME (with recompile) and
> it failed during compilation (RH5.2). Not to mention
> the bad installation documentation :), where error
> messages were giving me the clues what to do next
> (No I did not see as a friend brought
> me the latest GNOME on a ZIP).

I suggest reading the FAQ referenced on, and try again.  If
you still have problems, post the compile error messages to the list, we
can only try to help you if we can see the problems.

If you have problems with the documentation, patches are accepted on that
as well as the code here :-).

> So I ended up installing the binaries that were on my
> RH5.2 cd. GNOME now runs without problems.
> The question is:
> KDE has its own desktop (window manager); what window
> manager is most GNOME aware. I'd like to have a KDE
> desktop a la GNOME ;-))).  (I liked KDE desktop, just 
> if it was faster :().

The most stable, usable gnome-aware window managers are Enlightenment and
IceWM.  From your list of priorities (in the snipped section), I would
recommend IceWM (Enlightenment is also fast and usable, but you can easily
get bogged down if you pick too fancy a theme).  SCWM is also quite
impressive if you don't mind that it's sometimes unstable, and slow to
start up (but very fast once it is started) [disclaimer: not current
info, it's been months since I checked out SCWM].  

You can also get very good results with a non-gnome-aware window manager
(eg. AfterStep, WindowMaker, FVWM2, KWM), the only thing you lose 
currently is the gnome-pager (and gnome-session if the WM is really bad),
and there are sometimes workarounds to get the pager going too.

Best of Luck,

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