Re: Aorta / Addressbook

>  I read in the Rumor Mill something about a Gnome addressbook
>  program. Just curios, will this be part of aorta or a new
>  implementation?

Aorta seems to be pretty much dead.  The addressbook I mentioned in
the news page is the Gnomecard program, currently available under
gnome-utils/gncal/gnomecard.  Arturo is writing the Gnomecard program.

>  - will aorta convert to ORBit somewhere in the future?
>  - is there active development on the Aorta/Addressbook?

The Gnoemecal and Gnomecard programs will definitely get a CORBA
interface in the future.  I will look at the IDL stuff that was
written for Aorta to see if we can reuse anything from it.

I may look into integrating the calendar/addressbook into one program;
hopefully this would be done via CORBA.  It would be useful, for
example, to be able to say "notify me on such and such date because I
have to call such and such people".

>  - do you need help?

We always welcome code and patches :-)

>  - What format is the addressbook going to use to store the addresses,
>  or will there be different back-ends (like in balsa) to acces various
>  address sources (like IMAP, SQL-databases, ...)

Gnomecard is using the vCard format at the moment.


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