Aorta / Addressbook


I read in the Rumor Mill something about a Gnome addressbook
program. Just curios, will this be part of aorta or a new

I wanted to look into the aorta/addressbook but this doesnīt even
compile for me (I know: only for developers) I have although seen that 
the idl interface isnīt very detailed in the moment (only a search
function) so I would like to ask the following questions:

- will aorta convert to ORBit somewhere in the future?
- is there active development on the Aorta/Addressbook?
- do you need help?
- What format is the addressbook going to use to store the addresses,
or will there be different back-ends (like in balsa) to acces various
address sources (like IMAP, SQL-databases, ...)


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