Re: [gtk-list] GNOME Database kit

On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Adam Keys wrote:

> I've seen various database utilities floating around, like the one Dr.
> Mike of RHAD is working on.  I'm into the database stuff and want to
> write a really cool database library for GNOME.  I want it to be
> portable, abstracted, and powerful.
> I'm looking for other database gurus and some gtk gurus to create the
> widgets needed to logically interact with a database.  Attacted is a
> little white paper scrap I wrote up outlining the intent of the kit.

Are you wanting to create a standard database API, or a standard way of
displaying results, or what?

>From your attachment, it looks like at least a little bit of the former.
Have you looked at the ODBC API yet? It is much more mature, it does what
we need, and it is an industry standard...

-- Elliot
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