Re: library ABI-frozen releases

James Henstridge wrote:

> Okay.  I can wait.  There are most likely a few other properties that
> need support, but these will not affect the API at all.
> James.

The only reason I asked you to hold off on ticking the version 
over to 2.0 was because of implementation, not API; if you think
adding support for additional properties post 2.0.0 (and getting
that implementation packaged with GNOME 2.0) is not going to be
an issue, then there is no reason to wait.

I just want to avoid the situation where our support for
properties that are not already implemented is omitted from
GNOME 2.0, if GNOME 2.0 snapshots libglade 2.0.  If on the 
other hand you are not going to freeze putbacks for 
the version that rolls into GNOME 2.0 until, say, the
April hard freeze, then we probably don't have a problem
since in all likelihood we can add the support in an ABI-compatible

Best regards,


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