Re: [G2R] Re: library ABI-frozen releases

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Bill Haneman wrote:

> James Henstridge wrote:
> > Okay.  I can wait.  There are most likely a few other properties that
> > need support, but these will not affect the API at all.
> > 
> > James.
> The only reason I asked you to hold off on ticking the version 
> over to 2.0 was because of implementation, not API; if you think
> adding support for additional properties post 2.0.0 (and getting
> that implementation packaged with GNOME 2.0) is not going to be
> an issue, then there is no reason to wait.
> I just want to avoid the situation where our support for
> properties that are not already implemented is omitted from
> GNOME 2.0, if GNOME 2.0 snapshots libglade 2.0.  If on the 
> other hand you are not going to freeze putbacks for 
> the version that rolls into GNOME 2.0 until, say, the
> April hard freeze, then we probably don't have a problem
> since in all likelihood we can add the support in an ABI-compatible
> way.

Well, this sort of goes in the contrary to what the discussion was about,
namely moving the 'freeze' up the dependnacy chain from glib/gtk+ now that
these are frozen... 

> Best regards,
> Bill


	I see a dark sail on the horizon
	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding

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