Re: [latina] ligatures

Ysgrifennodd Garcia, Rafael:
> It's purely an aesthetic issue in latin, there is not difference with regards to pronunciation or grammar,
> but especially when capitals are involved ligatures look cool. Thus you are as qualified to offer an opinion as
> anyone else.
> The only cases where it matters that you don't ligature is when there is a diaresis or macron over one 
> of the letters. Thus aër ( gen. aër is) means air; but aes =æs (æris) means copper/brass.  Sometimes people
> are sloppy or assume the reader understands the difference, e.g.  between air and brass/copper.
> Some people realy care about indicating the long vowels since it does make a difference to some sentences: but 
> there is no universal standard for this, the long a being indicated by ā, â, ä, or á by different authors at different times.
> Rafael 

I think "it looks cool" is a reasonable argument, and it's not much 
extra work.  If people will mark letters with a diaresis or macron 
it will be simple to write the conversion script; if people can't do 
this, I can always make it so translators can write a: or a| instead and 
transform it at the same time.



Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
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