Re: Hrm. Now I know why this list is dead

On 19 May 1999 23:50:44 -0400, Mosfet <> wrote:

>After reading the Miguel interview on BBC I understand why this list
>gets no traffic. Why the hell would anyone feel compelled to work with
>someone who said he sees no future for the KDE project even though we
>have 40G traffic a day and are all very hard at work for KDE2.0. This,
>along with him making comments about KDE being developed so quickly
>because no thought goes into design (patently false, KDE is developing
>so quickly because of the *good* design of it's class libs), make me
>abandon all hope of even cooperating with Gnome. I certainly will
>unsubscribe now.  
>Please note I speak only for myself, not for anyone else in the KDE
>project (but if any KDE people are still willing to tolerate this arse
>they must either be masochistic or employed by RH IMHO).

Personally I see your Red Hat jibe to be as bad as Miguel's
comments. Miguel is entitled to his opinions, he may just need to be
reminded he just speaks for himself in the end.

Please remember that the GNOME people have had to spend a year being
told by some KDE developers and companies that they were wasting time,
it would never work, and that people who worked on GNOME were hurting
the Free Software movement because they werent in step with other
people. [Working at Red Hat I have gotten some real "nice" letters about
how we were only helping Microsoft for trying to do something

However, that is all water under the bridge.  I dont agree with the
Miguels statement that KDE has no future. Without the competition of
each group trying to improve above the other I feel either of the
software would be inferior in the end. [This goes for distributions
also, Red Hat would devolve if it were not for Debian, etc to be
compared against.] 

The greatest strength of the Linux community is that we can compete
OPENly against each other down to argueing over whether software is
called Free or Open. 

SJS  --  speaking for himself.

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