Re: Hrm. Now I know why this list is dead

On Thu, 20 May 1999, Mosfet wrote:

> After reading the Miguel interview on BBC I understand why this list gets no
> traffic. Why the hell would anyone feel compelled to work with someone who said
> he sees no future for the KDE project even though we have 40G traffic a day and
> are all very hard at work for KDE2.0. This, along with him making comments about
> KDE being developed so quickly because no thought goes into design (patently
> false, KDE is developing so quickly because of the *good* design of it's class
> libs), make me abandon all hope of even cooperating with Gnome. I certainly will
> unsubscribe now. 

I am primarily a GNOME user, because I prefer C to C++, Enlightenment to
KWM, etcetera, but I've found the political machinations of Miguel and
others to be somewhat immature.

We have *2* desktops in the Linux world, and we should advertise *both* of
them.  I've heard GNOME aficionados badmouth KDE repeatedly, as if they
were somehow morally superior, or KDE was merely an interim measure until
GNOME was established as the "standard" Linux desktop.  (I will take a
moment to remind my GNOME brethren that *working code* used to grant one
moral superiority in our culture of geekdom...)

Please consider that we ought to really be merging the two into one effort
that's cross-toolkit, cross-distribution, cross-platform compatible, not
driving them further apart by political bickering.

> Please note I speak only for myself, not for anyone else in the KDE project
> (but if any KDE people are still willing to tolerate this arse they must either
> be masochistic or employed by RH IMHO).

If the leaders of any or either of these development efforts are going to
be immature and bickering in the press, or with each other, I still think
that the developers of these projects should cooperate to make a more
pleasant user-experience for users of either.  I'm going to stay
subscribed to this mailing-list in the hopes that eventually some real
integration work will start (my schedule prohibits me personally from
starting it).

Marching off like this, while understandable, does even less to further
the cooperation between these projects than Miguel's comments do.  GNOME
and KDE should be integrated, and should allow interoperability.


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