GNOME Journal Issue 20 Kickoff

Now that Issue 19 is out, let's turn our attention to Issue 20, articles due 10 May for a 1 June release.

I have a few ideas:
* Behind the Scenes with Marina Zhurakhinskaya (GNOME Shell engineer at Red Hat) * A summary of the CSUN GNOME accessibility hackfest [] - I saw a lot of PGO blogposts
* What's next, after GNOME 3.0?  What's the new vision?

There are more ideas at of course. I've just removed some obsolete topics from that page. And I'd like to hear about the current status of these:

* Paul's Behind the Scenes with Seif Lotfy of Zeitgeist
* Sri's Seed overview
* Paul's interview with the GNOME release team

Ideas, raised hands, updates?

Sumana Harihareswara
GNOME Journal Release Coordinator

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