Michael Catanzaro created an issue #543:
When releasing glib-networking 2.68.0 today I noticed this error when running ftpadmin install
Triggering ftp.gnome.org updatesudo: PAM account management error: System error
FAILED (exit code 1)
Full output:
$ ftpadmin install glib-networking-2.68.0.tar.xz
Gathering information and sorting on version: ., done
Preparing installation of glib-networking-2.68.0.tar.xz:
- Checking consistency: .., done
- Checking previous tarball: .., done
- NEWS, done (diff, 5 lines)
- Copying tar.xz, done
- Creating sha256sum, done
Module: glib-networking
Version: 2.68.0 (previous version: 2.68.rc)
Destination: /ftp/pub/GNOME/sources/glib-networking/2.68/
Install glib-networking? [Y/n] y
Installing glib-networking-2.68.0.tar.xz:
- Moving files: ..., done
- Updating LATEST-IS, done
- Updating known versions, done
- Removing original tarball, done
Doing notifications:
- Informing ftp-release-list, done
- Triggering ftp.gnome.org updatesudo: PAM account management error: System error
FAILED (exit code 1)
Your tarball will appear in the following location on ftp.gnome.org:
It is important to retain the trailing slash for compatibility with
broken http clients.
3f01f1c1e75e3097cb50e74e0ee01faaed4214a0f8b02514105904e70c9da927 glib-networking-2.68.0.news
0b235e85ad26b3c0d12255d0963c460e5a639c4722f78e2a03e969e224b29f6e glib-networking-2.68.0.tar.xz
The ftp-release-list email uses information from the modules DOAP file. Make
sure at least the following fields are filled in:
name, shortdesc, description, download-page, bug-database
See https://wiki.gnome.org/MaintainersCorner#doap
Please report any problems to: