Re: hosting Banshee releases on

Great! You contacted the right peeps. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to let us know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:32 PM, Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Jeff Schroeder
> <jeffschroeder computer org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> We (the Banshee maintainers) are interested in hosting our Banshee
>>> releases on  They are currently hosted on our website,
>>> eg <>.  I wanted to
>>> ask here because it could have non-negligible disk space and bandwidth
>>> implications because of our user-focused builds (.msi, .dmg installer,
>>> and potentially a Linux bundle soon).
>>> We do about 12 releases a year, currently at around 74 MB per release
>>> - but would be around 120 MB if we add a Linux bundle.  So per year,
>>> could be somewhere around 1440 MB.  We have 968 MB of existing release
>>> files we'd probably want to migrate as well (assuming that's
>>> normal/ok).
>>> In terms of bandwidth, the user-focused builds are my concern.  Since
>>> Feb, our alpha releases of Banshee on Windows have been downloaded by
>>> 20k IPs, and our beta builds for OS X by 4k users, and there's
>>> potential for one or both of these to get substantially more popular.
>>> Given all that, would it be OK for us to move to hosting our releases
>>> on
>>> Thanks!
>>> Gabriel
>> Hi Gabriel,
>> isn't _actually_ hosted by gnome but by some really
>> friendly swedes. I've spoken with Stric, our contact for
>> and he has no problem with what you propose. They have about 20Tb of
>> free disk space and their network pipe is something else. Check this
>> out for reference:
>> How exactly do you cut a new release now? Do you just upload them to
>> your servers and shoot out an email or something? I looked you up in
>> mango and you've got ftp upload privileges so you should be able to do
>> what you need from
> Wow!  If we manage to make a non-negligible dent in that, we'll be
> doing something right.
> In terms of our release, we use `make dist` for our tarballs, and have
> various scripts that produce our bundles/installers, then these get
> scp'd to our server.  I've used for pdfmod before, so I
> don't think I'll have any trouble adapting our process.  Here's our
> checklist:
> Thanks,
> Gabriel

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