Re: Git migration docs

Mathias Hasselmann wrote:
>>> Good. The correlation between pro-git people and anti-changelog people
>>> has been my number one fear about a migration to git, even more than my
>>> fear of people having difficulty using git.
>> Taking advantage of what git provides over svn and using hand-written
>> ChangeLog's are inherently incompatible.  That's why you see that correlation.
> No, the are not. Behdad, I think I've posted this link before:
> ChangeLog files are maintained automatically after installing this merge
> handler. It allows merging and rebase without thinking about the hand-
> written wChangeLog file. I use it daily for many months now, and it
> works perfectly.

Thanks for the link (though, savannah is down until some CVE's are fixed).  I
was planning to check it out.  Still, when doing micro commits, it's really
annoying to have to run, fill in the ChangeLog, commit,
and get back to coding when one can just commit and write there...


> Ciao,
> Mathias

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