Re: Upgraded, installed APC

<quote who="Ray Wang">

> but I think most useful plugin that is not embedded are nested comment,
> tag cloud and hightlight code.

Threaded comment support (in WordPress 2.7+) is up to the themes -- I'm
going to check all the ones we're using for compatibility and upgrade them
where possible.

> I know there is a hightlight code plugin out there. but it's not sort
> of  easy to use. :)

Actually, with the last upgrade I also installed WP-Syntax, which is a great
syntax highlighting plugin. You just need to add one or two attributes to
your <pre> elements to use it, for example:

  <pre lang="php">
  echo "Hello world!";

(I'm also looking at improving an unmaintained plugin which adds a "code"
button to the Visual Editor toolbar, so you don't have to switch to the HTML
editor all the time.)


- Jeff

-- 2010: Wellington, NZ      
     "If you’re not trying to change the world, what is the point of
                  making a presentation?" - Garr Reynolds

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