> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Paul Cutler <
pcutler gnome org>
> Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM
> Subject: Sysadmin Team Meeting
> To:
gnome-infrastructure gnome org
> Good morning Sysadmin team!
> If you review the meeting minutes from our first meeting in June, one of the
> things we talked about was having a meeting the first Friday of every
> month. With GUADEC on the first Friday of last month, we were unable to
> have our meeting, and August would be this Friday. As that's not a lot of
> notice, and after talking to John, I'd like to have the meeting next week.
> Does Friday next week (Aug. 14th) work for everyone? We have a 9 or 10 hour
> time difference between the team, so I'd like to know what time works best,
> especially as those in Europe probably want to go out on a Friday night.
> (Jeff, how early can you start on a Friday morning, sorry to put you on the
> spot).
> Please review the meeting minutes at
http://live.gnome.org/SysadminTeam/Meeting20090605 and be prepared to speak
> to your projects. We can also talk about the next phase of projects, and
> the upcoming Bugzilla upgrade.
> On a personal note, I let John know that I don't have a lot of time for
> Sysadmin projects, but I have volunteered to help with some project
> management stuff for the Sysadmin team, such as these follow up emails,
> scheduling meetings, meeting minutes, quarterly updates for the board, and
> some of the small stuff in RT3. So if I ping you for status updates, you
> know why.
> Lastly, if you have meeting agenda topics you'd like discussed, please add
> them to the meeting agenda page:
> Thanks.
> Paul