Fwd: Sysadmin Team Meeting

I used Doodle to create some possible meeting times.  Please visit this link and see what works:  http://www.doodle.com/qpxic3nqzpkdmtfs

I have no idea if you have to create an account or not.

I'm also not sure if these times will work.  We have more than a 12 hour swing between Jeff and penguim, and I'd like to have Jeff there for sure.  This is a start, please let me know if any other times work or if you have suggestions.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org>
Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM
Subject: Sysadmin Team Meeting
To: gnome-infrastructure gnome org

Good morning Sysadmin team!

If you review the meeting minutes from our first meeting in June, one of the things we talked about was having a meeting the first Friday of every month.  With GUADEC on the first Friday of last month, we were unable to have our meeting, and August would be this Friday.  As that's not a lot of notice, and after talking to John, I'd like to have the meeting next week.  Does Friday next week (Aug. 14th) work for everyone?  We have a 9 or 10 hour time difference between the team, so I'd like to know what time works best, especially as those in Europe probably want to go out on a Friday night.  (Jeff, how early can you start on a Friday morning, sorry to put you on the spot).

Please review the meeting minutes at http://live.gnome.org/SysadminTeam/Meeting20090605 and be prepared to speak to your projects.  We can also talk about the next phase of projects, and the upcoming Bugzilla upgrade.

On a personal note, I let John know that I don't have a lot of time for Sysadmin projects, but I have volunteered to help with some project management stuff for the Sysadmin team, such as these follow up emails, scheduling meetings, meeting minutes, quarterly updates for the board, and some of the small stuff in RT3.  So if I ping you for status updates, you know why.

Lastly, if you have meeting agenda topics you'd like discussed, please add them to the meeting agenda page:  http://live.gnome.org/SysadminTeam/Meeting20090814



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