Re: Plone in GNOME server - now for real

On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 11:45:27AM +0100, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> When I saw this mail I went to IRC to look for jdub, I found him and we
> decided to meet on thursday morning, but Jeff wasn't there, later he
> said me to meet on friday morning, I moved again my schedule to fit and
> again he was no there at the time we decided. When it's possible to meet
> with some infraestructure people ??

Depending on how much time I have, some weeks after the switch to RHEL5.
Doing it before will not be possible as I lack the time and it will
probably not be possible due to outdated software. It should be hosted
on either window or label. I'm guessing label, see We might move some stuff around
after RHEL5 though.

Still prefer jdub or someone else to do it though.


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