Re: Widen the team? [was: hosting]

Jeff Waugh kirjoitti:
<quote who="Ross Golder">

I have been considering starting (another) internal thread on how we can
widen the GNOME sysadmin team some more.

Sorry to be characteristically blunt, but we don't need more people - that
would just complicate matters more - what we do need is more attentive and
more professional people. I have been surprised and dismayed at the recent
issues we've been having and the actions taken to paper over or dodge them
rather than actually fix them. Our machines have always been in a somewhat
mediocre state, but the current churn and reactive approach to improvement
is taking its toll. Now, this is not all gar... It's been obvious over the
past month that I have been paying much more attention to sysadmin issues.
So I'm not idly complaining - I intend to spend more time on it.

- Jeff

My opinion (based on experience) is that the Foundation should hire one part-time system administrator to take care of mission critical services. The volunteer sysadmin team would be doing whatever they (we) have been doing as usual, but the head of the team would be actually responsible of things (also in legal perspective).

This arrangement should avoid some of the pingpong issues we have had in the past. In my opinion some of the delays have been caused by the fact that there has been no-one who can (or have been willing to) make decisions about certain things.

If the idea gets support, could someone please escalate this to the Foundation, thanks.

- Toni

ps. sorry about not having time to do sysadmin tasks actively anymore :(

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