Re: hosting

On Sun, 2006-07-09 at 14:37 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:

> > seems like we might not have the sysadmin resources to really support
> > extra web sites. 

GNOME projects are not extra web sites, really. We should find a balance
between project websites requirements and sysadmin realistic resources.

Murray, it would be great if you could  start a list of requirements
based on your own needs for Then we can improve these
requirements checking with other GNOME projects, and after that we
"negotiate" with the sysadmins what can we really offer. 

With this we get a official and documented offer to GNOME projects.
Those happy with it can come and be served. Those with special needs can
try to increase the requirements accepted or go elsewhere.

None of this solves your problem now, it will be helpful in the future
though. Feel free to suggest a timeline for the planning process at

Quim Gil /// |

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