Re: Historical deployment methods

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 22:38 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Hi,
> Owen and Jonathan, I recall that you guys have mostly been doing the machine
> installs for the last while - is that right?
> I'd like to find out how you went about installing them - did you kickstart
> them with a common config file, install normally using the 'minimal install'
> choice, install normally and select particular sections or packages to
> include, etc...?

Matt Galgoci did the initial installs for most of the machines, so I'm 
not really sure about the exact procedure. (It was quite a while ago for
the older machines.) Most likely they were kick-started from a standard
Red Hat IS kickstart file.

Additional packages were installed via RHN after install as needed.

> Thus far, I don't believe we have any kind of SOE or documented installation
> recipe. I'd like to change that, particularly looking at fresh machines like
> label and planning for upgrades and service migration in the near future.
> Defining common configurations and deployment methodology will assist with
> off-site testing and automation opportunities - two things that will vastly
> improve our service delivery and reliability.

SOE == Service Oriented Enterprise? And that means?

Certainly having a higher degree of reproducibility would be wonderful. 
Of course, I'd much rather know how to reproduce the environment on window
used, say, for automated doc rebuilds or the environment that is used to
run rather than the entire soup of 100 different things 
that makes up window. 


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