Re: [GNOME-India] 2008...

Shreyas Srinivasan wrote:

Doh, I knew sayamindu is not going but you not going is news. Then Johnny will
have to be official representative of Gnome Project day!

oink oink !! So you did spill the beans about a Project Day this year too :)

Thanks to Nirbheek, there's a splurge of ideas. I had a few housekeeping stuff to do before we start discussing in detail on this:

Definition of the Project Day (or whatever it is called)

- what are we planning to achieve
- who is our audience
- what would make a successful Project Day
- how would we measure the success

Learning from experience

- what did we learn from last year

I suggest that we keep the above points in focus while discussing what can be done, who is going to do it and then on move on to the joyous task of putting owners to activities :)

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