At GNOME 3.26, I translete the file of caribou master in Haitian Creole find that it find in User Interface, Module Accessiblity (Entèfas Itilizatè, Modil Aksesibilite). I wait patiently for the necessary consequences.
Thank you,
Ingénieur en Informatique, MGTI
Limbé, Haïti +509 38 15 75 91 / +509 33 28 76 95 De : cjlhomeaddress gmail com <cjlhomeaddress gmail com> de la part de Chris Leonard <cjl sugarlabs org>
Envoyé : jeudi 12 octobre 2017 16:51 À : Pierre Michel Augustin Objet : Re: New team for haitian Creole (ht) By the way, you may find it useful to set up to view another (non-English) language (like French) when you translate. Follow directions on this page:
If the other language PO file is on our server, you'll see it.
On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:34 PM, Chris Leonard
<cjl sugarlabs org> wrote:
Description: caribou.master.ht.po