Hi Jim
I just submitted a request to the sysadmin team to create a git hook for
this check[0].
Meanwhile, until it really comes into existence, it would be great if
the following teams could check the results[1] of my little script[2]
and fix their translations:
/tmp/common.desktop: error: file contains entry "GenericName[id]=Pemutar Media" before the first group, but only comments are accepted before the first group
/tmp/rygel.desktop: warning: value "Layanan UPnP/DLNA" for key "Comment[id]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Layanan UPnP/DLNA" of key "GenericName[id]"
[0] https://rt.gnome.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=14101
[1] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6759144/
[2] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6758980/
Gabor Kelemen