Re: HELP_ID doesn't point to a real file, probably a macro

On Fri, 2013-03-08 at 21:35 +0100, Mario Blättermann wrote:
Am 08.03.2013 20:19, schrieb Petr Kovar:

The issue seems to be fixed now after committing a dummy file
needed by DL to recognize Mallard documentation. Thanks to Claude for
pointing me in the right direction!

On Fri, 08 Mar 2013 18:05:43 +0100
Mario Blättermann <mario blaettermann gmail com> wrote:

Am 08.03.2013 17:58, schrieb Petr Kovar:
Hey list,

DL currently seems to error out with "HELP_ID doesn't point to a real
file, probably a macro" when updating a POT for:

Looks like it might be related to the directory structure being different
from the HELP_ID. We share the HELP_ID with gnome-help from gnome-user-docs
so that we can install the getting-started files in the same installation
directory (normally /usr/share/help/C/gnome-help/).

Would it help to move the files in the getting-started git repo from the
getting-started subdirectory to the gnome-help subdirectory?

Could be... Well, it's a good idea to provide the getting-starting-docs
as part of the user manual, but this way it is difficult to handle. It
causes problems with creating the pot files as seen here. Moreover, when
I check out the module and try to run "yelp ." as usual from the folder
containing the *.page files, Yelp doesn't show anything because the file is missing.

I fixed this by committing the file that will not be
distributed in the tarball (similarly to the legal.xml file, also present
in the same subdirectory).

OK, thanks. This solves the problem for me. As a translator, I need to 
have a look at the content in Yelp, both for the original and translated 
versions. It would be annoying if I had to checkout all the depending 
Git modules for a documentation and place the appropriate files/folders 
into the right locations manually.

The approach I usually use for plugin sets like this is to have a
.page.stub file for every page I plug into in the main document.
Then I run yelp with --editor-mode, and it picks those up.

You can have normal .page files that aren't in HELP_FILES, but I
personally find that really confusing. It makes it harder to keep
track of actual omissions in HELP_FILES, and just begs for someone
to come along and "fix" it incorrectly.

At any rate, I don't think DL should require an file.
This is a valid use-case that yelp.m4 was explicitly designed to


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